Jobs & Classifieds

Jobs Forum

Welcome to our online Jobs Forum. If you are a physician employer or health care facility seeking a physician or other health care professional for your practice or institution, you can advertise on this page. All listings appear for two months, or until the position has been filled.

CLICK HERE to submit your job opportunity.

Are you considering a new employer? The OOA is happy to share employment opportunities of our institutional members. 

Grandview Medical Center/Kettering Health Network

O’Bleness Memorial Hospital/OhioHealth


Family Medicine Physician

PriMed Physicians


Assistant/Associate/Full Clinical Professor, Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (non-tenure track)

Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine

Classified Ads

Welcome to our online Classifieds section. If you are looking to buy or sell equipment or office space or other items related to osteopathic medicine, you've come to the right place. As an OOA member, you can submit classified ads for only $25 per ad. Non-members, can submit classified ads for $100 per ad.

CLICK HERE to submit a classified ad.

None at this time.