Let Your Voice Be Heard

Step therapy reform will help put your patients first!

Use the Action Center at the Ohioans for Step Therapy Reform website to send a letter to your state lawmakers. You can use the general pre-printed text on that site or copy the sample message below and paste it into the text box.

Contact Your Legislator


As a physician, the health of my patients is always my first consideration.

Unfortunately, too many patients have to ‘fail first’ on medicines their health plans require. Some patients are forced to try one or more medications that end up not helping them before insurers will allow my recommended treatment plan. My patients with unique and challenging medical needs should not have to suffer from symptoms or disease progression just to satisfy the ‘one-size-fits-all’ step therapy policy from a health plan. Step therapy does not take a patient’s medical history or other factors into account, but instead relies on a pre-determined prescription drug formulary or protocol.

In short, step therapy requirements allow health insurers to deny coverage for certain prescriptions I prescribe until the patient first tries a similar medicine—usually at less cost to the insurer. If the patient ‘fails first’ on the insurer’s chosen medication, only then will the plan consider covering what I prescribed in the first place.

Please address this situation by supporting SB 56 and HB 72. Already there are 18 other states that have passed patient protections through step therapy reform. I urge you to pass legislation to reform step therapy requirements in Ohio.